Saturday, January 3, 2009

Saturday Nights Used to be Much More Exciting

It is Saturday night at 10 pm and I am blogging. Even worse, I dont really have anything to say because literally nothing has happened in the past three days so this is going to be a random collection of thoughts because I am bored and missing college and trying not to think about how much it sucks to be 22 and home on a Saturday night by choice because I think about things like "oh, going out costs money" now and I am trying to milk this free ride for as long as I can before I move (i.e. dinner with the parents, an abundance of beer and free movies on demand).

Anyway, I have pretty much done nothing since new years because I am broke and tired and cold and I am waiting anxiously to get back to work, if only to hang out with people other than my parents and my dog. Also, I cant check my work email for some reason and this is stressing me out greatly. So in summation: I need a life.

In the spirit of having an active 2009 and holding true to my resolutions, I looked into joining the AKPsi alumni association and that shit is expensive. Damn, girlfriend is on a budget. Shouldn't my leadership and dedication and VPness at least get me a free semester? A tshirt or something? Shit. Colleen said she advises a chapter of Gamma Phi in LA and maybe I could do that. But I'm really not that invested and don't particularly feel like following all those stupid national rules. Maybe I could invite some head of membership guy into my new nudist-colony apartment and get a free year or something.

Anyway, I think I need a hobby. Mostly because when I was talking to Asher, he was telling me very interesting things like how to surgically perform a sex change operation and how to get more MPG on a Ferarri, and the only things I had to counter with was my knowledge of Lizard Man and Mojitos. My only hobby is reading a shit ton and (as nerdy as this sounds) researching things I find interesting, but the problem is that things that I find interesting no one else does. Like I haven't ever had the chance to really express my knowledge and passion for the Virginia Plan or the history of vibrators or civil war photography or social media (except at work) because no one cares (and really, rightfully so). I used to like to craft but now I cant think of anything I would want to make that I would need, even though its not really about needing it as much as it is about wanting to make it. And no one cares about crafts either so I am back to square one. I am not pretentious enough to be really into music or films, what's left?

Speaking of being the least pretentious film critic ever: I rented Mamma Mia and it sucked. A pox on everyone who said it was great. (a pox? is that real? did I make that up? I refuse to google). Colin Firth singing is a joke and basically the only thing good about it was watching Pierce Brosnan be sexy, which is ordinarily enough for me but I guess I was feeling particularly critical. Also, they totally blew the ABBA load like 15 minutes into the film because they had sung both "Mamma Mia" and "Dancing Queen" already and really, whats the point after that?

I am watching Towelhead after I write this thought provoking and highly intellectual post, and I have higher hopes for that one.

I got my hair dyed today, motivated by sheer boredom. Which i know i know, I was just complaining about being broke but I never said it wasn't self-inflicted. Anyway, I am waiting for an expense check from work which will basically cover the costs anyway. It is dark brown (but not blackish like the last time) and the cut is really great. I went to a new girl who fixed my terrible haircut from this summer where "bangs" were sticking out every which way. I will post a picture tomorrow when I have a chance to shower and style it myself, because everyone knows it looks better after you play with it yourself. Also, I am laying in the dark and dont feel like turning my lights on.

Blogging. In the dark. At 10:30 on a Saturday night.

1 comment:

Shorty Ann said...

FYI: an alumni from Loyola, Chris Coloka, is involved with the NYC alumni chapter!!