Saturday, January 10, 2009

Quality Week

Here I am again, blogging on a Saturday night like a winner. But, this time I have an excuse- snow. I was supposed to go to Motown with Aimee and Melissa, but it was too snowy. Then we were going to do a Weeds night (I WILL get through season three one day) but its too snowy to even drive over there. So now I am snowed in, watching Blades of Glory, flipping through People magazine. I am trying to will myself to finish this awful book that I plan on writing a post about but have to finish first, because I am one of those assholes who has to finish a book before they start the next, even though I have a pile of 4 or 5 good books I literally cannot wait to tear into and therefore sincerely resent this awful book even more (moment of self actualization: i just realized how lame is it to resent literature, but upon further reflection I realize that I really mean it and therefore will not delete it).

Anyway, this week was insanely busy. We are launching a big program for one of our new clients so we've been really busy working on that. Our media materials are crossing the wire on Tuesday so I predict next week to be even crazier than this one. I am really excited for this program though and I think our branding efforts for this client are going to be a lot of fun to work on, particularly as we get farther into it. For another client we have some pretty cool national hits in the making, so thats exciting as well. We also signed a new client this week and I dont think I will be working on it because its a corporate client, its a really interesting client with a lot of potential for some great outreach. I hope there will be some opportunity to work on it a little bit because I am really interested in what they do.

After work this week I went out basically every night which is definitely different for me. Mexican with Shayner on Monday, drinks with Sar on Tuesday, Thai with Mary on Wednesday (at this BOMB ass thai place right on my block that I had never even noticed before), and then last night was thai with Shayna again and one of her friends from school. After, we went to this bar (Dinky's? Ding Dong?), which was basically empty, decorated like a practice garage for teenaged boys who think they are in a "band", and sold us a 5-pack of Pabst for $10- or in one word "awesome". Good times with good people.

Also- I may have found an apt!! Its beautiful (from what I can tell), in Park Slope (which is one of my favorite areas of the city) right across from Prospect park, big closet and really affordable rent. And the girl who lives there (aka my potential roommate) sounds really normal and not like a psycho and I think expects nakedness to remain private (like in the shower or while boning). Also- she has a dog (yay!), it would be a straight shot commute and we are pretty much on the same move-in schedule. Anyway-- fingers crossed!

Oh- I watched Towelhead last Saturday night and holy shit I have never felt more uncomfortable as a result of the movie. I expected a good coming of age tale, mixed in with a little bit of the anti-war and "don't hate brown people" messages but no. It was about a 13 year old, having sex. With everyone, but particularly a fucking SEXY Aaron Eckhart and then getting smacked around by her dad for being a disgrace. And while there was a mild anti-war sentiment. And the "brown people are just like you and me" message was pretty clear-- brown, black, yellow, white, purple, we're all fucked up.

My problems with the movie were numerous- so much so that I have to talk them out. First of all, holy uncomfortable awkwardness, Batman. Watching a 13 year old realize her sexual identity in most movies is sort of quirky and adorable, stirring a nostalgia about the first time you realized you had boobs or that all of your friends had gotten their period and you still hadnt. Watching a 13 year old's hooha being shaved by her mom's bf in the first scene does not fit into any of those categories and certainly did not inspire any sort of nostalgia. That basically sets the stage for the entire movie, where she moves on from discovering her growing hair, to getting her period, to kissing, to foreplay, to having sex etc. And thats not part of the story line- that IS the story line. The whole time I was watching it it felt wrong- like the feds were going to bust in any moment or Chris Hansen was going to jump out of my closet (which would really be a dream come true for me, but thats a personality defect to explore in another post). Not only did the movie just feel wrong- it felt wrong for THREE HOURS. Also, Aaron Eckhart plays this sketchy neighbor who ends up having sex with her (of course) and he was an overall creep but HOLY SHIT did he look GOOD. I am not a fan of blondes (or white guys in general really) but damnit if he wasnt the sexiest statuatory rapist I've ever seen. Which made me even MORE uncomfortable that I found him attractive. Just thinking about it to write this posts makes me so uncomforatble I might have to shower after this.

Anyway-This post sucks. My creative energy has been zapped. I usually get the urge to blog at work, but I won't blog on their time so I have to wait until I get home and by then the ideas aren't really flowing anymore. Im going to go finish that book so hopefully I can rant about it tomorrow.

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