Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Because sometimes the levee just breaks

I try hard not to get too political. Because when I get political, I get scary and out of control and no one wants to be my friend (in fact- I am pretty sure my parents didn’t want to be my parents during the months preceding the election. But they’re republicans). But today wasn’t really about politics- which is what is going to make this administration different from the only ones I’ve ever known. It is why for the first time in a really long time I felt proud to be a part of this country. Because as pundits and commentators were listing the flaws of this country, the history of segregation, humiliation and degradation it was much more than textbook rhetoric- for the first time in my lifetime it was an acknowledgment of substantial growth and the good direction the country is headed in. Just as I am sure that things will get worse in the coming months- I am just as positive that things will get better because I believe in the person who’s job is to make it that way. And that isn’t about being a democrat or a republican, it’s about the future of this nation and how much I believe in it.

I watched the inauguration at Haru cafĂ© with a bunch of my coworkers and I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen. All morning I was bouncing in my chair, live streaming CNN and just waiting ( I tried to work- I really did, but that didn’t really happen). I really wished I was in New Orleans for this, because when I think of the disenfranchised and the voiceless I think of the Ninth Ward- which should convince any nonbeliever that racism and classism are still as alive as ever. Which was why it was fitting, and why I was especially touched, when Obama mentioned us and mentioned them and the importance of kindness of strangers when the levee breaks. It was especially important (and for me- quite moving) because although our former president, the president who resided over the crisis and didn’t get his boots wet, who failed to mention us in his State of the Union address that friends of mine watched from FEMA trailers and who basically forgot about us as soon as the camera crews left -our current one recognizes and acknowledges the importance of Katrina 3 and a half years later.

And to be honest- levees are sort of breaking in my life right now. And in a lot of people’s lives. The recession is real and it is affecting everyone and nothing is really stable or secure. As much as I love Obama, I was raised by a brilliant economist and I know better than to think our problems can be solved by legislation. Our economy is cyclical and there is no way to bypass a recession. But I also believe in the crisis of confidence and I think that has a lot more weight now – I believe that the government spending will may inspire people to spend again. But even moreso, I believe that the crisis of confidence in the administration, in the fear and distrust of our leaders will also be resolved in 2009. You cant prevent these things (recession, war, etc.) from happening but you can believe in something more, in deserving something more as a nation and believing the people in charge will do their best to give it to you. And that’s not about politics, its about your life- its about trusting someone to take you in when the levee breaks.

P.S.- I cant mention/write/speak about Obama without mentioning how FIERCE and amazing Michelle is and damn, girlfriend delivered today. I used to think that I loved her but now I’m pretty sure I want to be her in a way that is mildly creepy. I’m okay with it if you are (and if you aren’t – just kidding! I would never think something so weird…). I am so excited to see her dress tonight, and her plans for this administration, but mostly her dress.

P.P.S.- Didn’t you just MELT when Obama was too excited to properly state the oath? Like- he’s so composed and held together and then finally you see him lose his shit and it was AWESOME. This whole time he’s been sort of brushing the dirt of his shoulder and it was as if it just hit him and I love that he was laughing because that’s exactly what I would have done- laughing because it wasn’t even real .OMG I am still melting thinking about it.

P.P.P.S- Does anyone else just want to cuddle with Joe Biden? No? I am loving his speech at the luncheon. I really want him to be my grandpa (even though I love the ones I have- I am just greedy)

P.P.P.P.S.- The gay man in me was SQUEALING when Aretha Franklin came on. And that hat? Yes, please.

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