Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Many Ways in Which I Plan To Kick 2009's Ass

2008 could have been a better year. Without going into specifics, what should have been one of the best years of my life (senior year! graduating college! Entering the real world! Being an adult!) quickly dissolved into a year of stress, sadness, and a lot of loneliness. Details aren’t really important, but overall 2008 pretty much bit it (save for a few redeeming moments with the people who make my world go ‘round).

New years is nice and all, however, I prefer to break my years up by age. After all, I feel that from 16-22 every single year I was a distinctly different human being at each age interval. At 22 I am content and happy with myself whereas at 16 i was an insecure mess (okay, I'll admit it, I was a bit on the emo-kid side. 16 wasn't very sweet to me. I had a tortured soul, but at least I outgrew it). 17 was “omg get me out of here” and 18 was…well, I don’t really remember much of it (thanks to my first year in a city still run by Napoleonic code). 19 was hurricane- survival, recovery and revival. At 20 I met many of my closest friends, my brothers, my lifelines of support and the people who changed me forever and all for the better. 21- for those of you paying attention- could have gone better for reasons still undisclosed. But at least I could drink in public, in any city I so desired. No longer an outlaw, I became officially legit.

Anyway, this is all leading up to New Years Resolutions and why I never make them. Because to me, December 31st 2008 is exactly the same as January 1st 2009. I’ll still be 22 and in my mind my new year started October 5th. And really, its an appropriate starting date. I began my job on October 1st which really started a whole new chapter of my life. I love my job, I look forward to going to work in the morning and I think about it often on the weekends. It is also nice to be validated as worth giving money to- I like things to come with a price tag because I like to quantify and even if I'm not worth very much right now, I am working my way up. I also have much less time to mope about missing New Orleans and have gotten out a lot more, meeting some new people, getting to know my coworkers, and reconnecting with old friends. I have been meeting a lot of people lately and I believe it has to do with my hair, which looks fierce in the winter (essentially in the winter I sweat a lot less, and ergo am more attractive to strangers as a friend or potential mate or subway seat companion, as compared to the summer when I am sweaty and have a Jew-fro). Anyway, I am extremely happy and everything is working out the way I had hoped and I really couldn't possibly be more content. 22 is pretty fucking awesome so far.

But, for the sake of being festive and hearing myself talk (or, type), here are my goals for 22:

1. Keep loving work and keep working there. Uh, I love my job, have I mentioned?
2. Move out. Soon.
3. Keep saving money, which will be impossible because of number 2.
4. Network more. I seriously should be going to a lot more networking events given my business but they are SO awkward.
5. Stop being awkward. At work, on dates, in line at the super market, in life.
6. Fall less. I would like to find my center of balance on the Wii Fit and use it while doing things such as walking or standing upright.
7. Go to New Orleans soooooon! I cant wait to complain about the heat, cuddle with Jose, visit old professors and friends, happy hour at the Boot, Bourbon and ending the night at F&Ms (if you want to know the truth, I miss F&M's most of all). I'm thinking March, but I would leave tomorrow if I could.
8. Go to Seattle to see Anna. Fuck I miss her so much I can't even write about.
9. Spend more time at museums and flea markets. Furnish my new apartment with knick-knacks and feel settled and like an adult.
10. Develop a taste for fine wines and liquors. Start drinking Jack straight up at bars, enabling me to save money (See: Number 3) and look like a fucking bad ass.
11. Be an active New Yorker. Find things to do, know about things like flea markets (see: Number 9) and concerts in the park and parties BEFORE hand, instead of hearing about them later.
12. Watch less Spongebob.
13. Join a club. Maybe AKPsi alumni? Volunteer work? Something!
14. Don't become jaded. Keep being excited and enthusiastic.
15. Keep kicking some serious ass.

Anyway, for those of you who might actually read this: I got the broadcast coverage :-). I am pretty amped about it because its my first time getting any broadcast coverage ever and its on a Fox news channel on the 11 O clock news, which I feel is pretty big league for the first time. As much as I hate that it was Fox who took my virginity, I cant help but be excited.

Tomorrow I work from home in the morning and then I am staying at Marys and going to ~da club~. I am really excited to see Colleen and have a good ol' Loyola New Years in New York. I am also excited to wear my fucking sexy outfit, which really showcases my boobs in all of my glory. I plan on being pretty obliterated. Expect drunk texts.

An aside: I realize this might be the first time I have talked about my boobs on here, but I love them. It goes beyond thinking they are the most flattering part of my body (which they are, duh) but I genuinely enjoy them, think they are fun and am often times impressed with myself when I look down during the day. Its not really a sexual thing, I just love them and I am glad they are attached to my body to bounce and rest my hands on at my leisure. In all likeliness I will talk about them again because I sincerely cannot get enough of them.

Anyway, what the fuck am I going on about? Happy New Years, digital world. Be safe, drink a lot, and send me a dirty text message. We'll both forget about it by morning.

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