Sunday, December 21, 2008

Snow Days

used to be much more exciting. Now I am laying around hoping it goes away by tomorrow so I can get to work. I am grateful I have a job I love that much to not want to miss, but I sort of miss the SNOW!!!! excitement. My plans today include:
a. laundry
b. internet surfing
c. watching Forgetting Sarah Marshal (probably more than once) and
d.cuddling with puppy.

I miss the days when plans on snow days used to be:
a. yelling SNOW! OMG MOM SNOW! over and over again.
b. taking that crappy red plastic sled that we had forever (and probably was quite dangerous, given that it was literally just a sheet of plastic that could have easily have broken and dislodge into a million pieces, making children blind or choke or break a couple of legs at the very least) over to the Lamianos and going to that rather steep hill with everyone else in Columbia and taking turns going down.
c. getting my boot stuck in snowy mud while trying to prove how brave and adventerous I was to the neighbor boys and having to have someones dad rescue me (but not the boot...the boot is probably still in that pond) and carry me back to my house.
d. starting to build a snowman but running out of patience and just making snow angels instead
e. OR TUNNELS. my brother and I( and probably some neighbor kids) once built this AWESOME tunnel in our backyard during one particularly heinous blizzard and you could crawl through it for a couple of days afterwards still.

I still sort of want to go sledding, but I don't think we have a sled.

Anyway, this weekend was delightful. We saw In The Heights which is bascially a musical about living in Washington Heights. I was skeptical but it is SO GOOD. It was excellently acted, the staging was fantastic, the scenes were great, the costumes were accurate...everything was just great. I didnt want it to end. After, we went to a piano bar which is always fun. I love me a good piano bar (although nothing will ever compare to Pat Os). Then we headed over to 9th and stopped in a bar where we met some weird guys who wouldnt.go.away. and were clearly on something and asked us where we were from/what our names were/what we did ten times each. Then we met the hottest bus boy who accompanied us for the rest of the night. He was adorable and took us to a few pretty cool bars over on 9th. I drank too much but not enough to be sloppy. We stopped at Rays pizza at 4 am for a late night snack and then passed out at around 4:30. So much fun. PIctures to come when Becca posts them on facebook.

Saturday I begrudgingly woke up and started getting ready to go meet Mary for brunch. We went to this place the Sunburnt Cow over on C and 8th which I had heard great things about. It was excellent but it took forever to get there. Went on a nice little death march through the east village, which would have been nice if it was warmer and I wasnt risking my life with every step I took on the icy sidewalks. I met Mary there and we sat down immediately. It was unlimited alcohol brunch, which meant the mimosas just kept on coming (I dont think there was a point where my glass wasnt completely full). Food was delish, atmosphere was nice and the waiter would have only have been more enjoyable if he was naked. It was nice to catch up with Mary and I am so excited she lives here now. There will definitely be more Sunday brunches (although the Sunburnt Cow may have to wait until the Spring). Tia and Colleen will be here for New Years which is also very exciting! The next couple weeks should be good ones.

Thats all for now. The break from work will likely result in more posts, so be ready to hear from me.

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