Thursday, December 18, 2008

Home Alone

Got the print coverage. Pre-Christmas goal has been completed. My supervisor asked me to start pitching broadcast which is exciting! New goal to be set after I actually start talking to producers. I love how I have never worked the same day twice. Everything is constantly changing, constantly challenging and constently evolving me.

The office party was last night, which was lots of fun. Seeing as I planned it, I was very happy that everything went well. I really enjoy the people I work with. Everyone is so much fun and I love the creative energy and the passion for what we do. Its refreshing to go to work and be around people who love what they do. I think thats really unique and I am happy that I found such a great place to work (or, I guess, that they picked me to join them). Darrien got me a social media book which I cant wait to tear into and the lychee martinis were delish.

Afterwards all the younger folks in the office went out for beers on this ridiculously crowded but appropriately priced bar over on 8th. I love that I work in such a young office and I really enjoy being around all my coworkers.

Tuesday night I went for drinks with Rachel, who I absolutely love seeing, and Tom and Abhi. Fun as usual, running around drunk in the financial district, "borrowing" drinks from the bar and eating old guys' left over pizza. She is a riot and I always have fun with her. Had a little bit too much to drink, but what else is new?

Anyway, from going out two nights in a row (gasp!) I was exhausted today and we had to do a little crisis management/damage control today and I was not prepared for such a busy day. The day flew by and I couldn't have been happier to get home to my empty house (everyone is at my brothers hockey game). I ate dinner in bed and took a shower and have yet to put on clothes. They will be here soon though, so I suppose I should probably get dressed.

Its supposed to snow tonight, which is mildly depressing. I hope I can make it to work tomorrow. I have some shizz to take care of and I would like to get the whole day in. Becky gets here tomorrow and we are going to see a play which I haven't done since I moved back. Spending the night in the city and then getting brunch with Mary on Saturday. I could live on nothing but brunch.

So things are moving right along. Looking forward to sleeping in a little next week and maybe taking some days out to wander. I really want to check out this photography exhibit at the Guggenheim and it will be nice having some leisure time to do so. Also, for being such a good little saver, I am going to hit up some post holidays sales. Maybe find a good new years dress and some party shoes. Maybe look at a few apartments.

Speaking of New Years, figuring out what to do is exhuasting. We're thinking about Greenhouse. Who knows where we will end up. I just want to wear a fancy dress.

Im getting more into blogging. And twitter. I feel so social media saavy.

Going to go enjoy my Abita Strawberry Ale and cuddle with my dog.

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