Sunday, December 14, 2008

Great Weekend

Winter has finally hit New York full force. "ugh" is all I have to say about that. Although, in an interesting twist of fate, it did snow in New Orleans this week and not in New York. What are the odds? Its still unbearably cold outside though. The kind of cold that hurts your skin and never goes away, even when you burrow under three blankets after a long day. Once again, ugh. Wake me up in April.
Snow in Nola

Work this week was work. Nothing much to report. Things are busy and the days are flying by, but I still love working there. I am really excited to kick off our new client's program in January. I think its going to be really fun program and really interesting outreach. For right now, its a lot of list making and dotting Is and crossing Ts. I am also continuing media outreach for the client I work for the most, and I am determined to secure print placement before the holidays. Online is nice, but I want the hardcopy coverage. I am speaking with a few interested editors so I think I can make it happen.

Yesterday was a wonderful New York Saturday. Fred is in town, so we met for brunch at Friend of a Farmer, over on Irving and right by work. It was delish. Best brunch I've had in a while and in a really cute atmosphere. I felt like I was in a bed and breakfast in New Hampshire (or what I imagine NH to look like, since I've never been and never really plan on going...) We caught up and chatted about NOLA and boys and the good old days and movie screenings of course. We had a cute waiter who wore appropriately tight pants and I learned what french coffee press was. Apparently, I'm coffee-sheltered.

Afterwards, we met Abby and her roommates uptown, who were right in the middle of Santacon. Santacon is basically hundreds of drunk people dressed as Santa, swarming in on New York landmarks. We followed them from the Post Office to Grand Central and it was honestly one of the coolest things Ive ever see in NY. Its nice to see new Yorkers not take themselves so seriously. Also, interestingly enough, for some reason many of the guys were incredibly sexy. We deduced that Santa suits must make guys more attractive, which must mean something dark and twisty and Freudian.

I left and went down to the Strand to browse and buy Karen's secret Santa present for work. It was uncomfortably crowded, so I got in and out. Decided to walk down to the LES and find a coffee place to read in until Shayna called. I settled on a place on 9th and A, although the name escapes me right now. I am reading "Moose: A Memoir of Fat Camp" by Stephanie Klein, which is a dangerous book to read in public because it actually makes me laugh out loud.

Shayna called and I walked over to W4 to meet her for shopping/coffee/catching up. We ended up just walking and talking our way down to little Italy and sat down in Ferrera for coffee with Baileys and Italian pastries.

I left around 6:30 to meet Asher uptown for dinner at this Italian place on 58th and 2nd. The place was great, reaffirming my faith in chatted and ate and I had a delicious glass of Sangria and he fixed my iphone to make it more energy efficient and showed me all the cool games on his that I am clearly missing out on. He is a cutie, which is all I'm going to say about that for now. :-D

I got home around 11:30, so fucking cold I bribed my dog into cuddling with me and we were both too tired to move. I got out the extra blankets and got into bed, talked to Asher for a little while and then passed out. I woke up unfortunately early this morning, which is a bummer. I still feel a little sick, congested and just winter-like so I will probably stay in bed all day, paint my nails, watch some terrible television and just rest.
I was supposed to take my brother to practice parallel parking again, but mom took him instead. He goes for his drivers test in a week from Monday. pretty weird. We're both getting kind of old.

Next week is drinks with Rachel on Tuesday to catch up on the AIM gossip, the office Christmas party on Wednesday night, Becky gets into town on Friday and we are going to hit up a show on Broadway and then I will FINALLY get to see Mary on Saturday.

I think I am going public with this blog via shameless self promotion. I hope I dont regret it. If you are reading this holler from the Northeast. I am also going to make a concerted effort to start taking my own pictures instead of yoinking them off google.

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