Sunday, November 23, 2008

This week was a crazy week. Work is really busy, which is great, but it makes me exhausted! I came home on Friday night and passed out at 9:30. Aren't these supposed to be the years I am living it up?  Last night we played rock band and drank wine at Melissa's, which was nice and also low-key. I don't know how I partied as hard as I did in New Orleans. It honestly feels like another life sometimes. 

On Tuesday I had dinner and drinks with Diano, which was marvelous. It is really comforting to be around people who I went to Loyola with. I miss the small sense of community that we had at Loyola. Nothing in the city is like that and it's really hard to be alone sometimes. At least at Loyola, you were never really alone. I can see why people always say NY is a hard city to live in (although I still maintain that it has nothing on D.C.....if I survived the district I feel like I can pretty much live anywhere).  Another  Loyola friend is moving here next week, which will be great as well. 

Thanksgiving is this week, which is unbelievable because I feel like its still summer. Graduating college is still so surreal. I mostly just feel like its a really long summer vacation. When I think about how long it has been since I really saw my friends and Iggy and the streetcar and my apartment it doesn't seem real. The other week Jose mentioned it had been six months since he left here and I started to tear up, mostly because I was in shock that it had actually been that long. Time is moving way too fast, but in other ways not fast enough. 

Anyway, doing to D.C. for Thanksgiving, like always. I am excited to see everyone, especially my new baby cousin. It will also be nice to break up my routine a little bit. 

Speaking of routine, I pretty much haven't moved from my bed all day because there is an "I Love Lucy" marathon on TV Land. I kind of have a girl-crush on Lucille Ball. She was such a dynamo, a force to be reckoned with. Although it may not be the most enlightened of shows (see: Ricky spanking Lucy when she does something wrong, and not in the "I've been a naughty girl" sort of way), she really paved her own way in Hollywood with her wit and business sense. Also, this show is timeless and still pretty much hilarious. Its the cherry on top of my perfect lazy Sunday (heh, get it? I am also hilarious and timeless).

This weather does not agree with me and I personally think anyone who has ever complained about New Orleans humidity should wait for the New York  train at 7 am in mid-November. Its not only the cold, its the whole winter she-bang. Its dark at 4:30. Being outside is miserable. Don't even get me started on snow. Winter also makes me much more contemplative and ready to hibernate, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. 

I'm going to try to be a more dedicated and interesting blogger, but every time I sit down to write something truly contemplative I end up censoring myself and forgetting about it. 

Anyway, I'm leaving you with this gem from Halloween. Which is already way too long ago, but lets not get going on that again. 

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