Saturday, November 15, 2008

First Post!

Well Hi!

My first post and I'm already getting writers block. This is harder than it looks. A little bit about me? Well first of all, I'm on the right in that picture- in the red necklace. 

I am a recent college graduate, living on the outskirts of the biggest city in the world and working everyday right in the heart of it all. I am in public relations, but I probably won't talk about that much for a few reasons; 1. uhhh, I already talk about it/live it/breathe it for 40+ hours a week and 2. respect for my agency/clients. But, its important because I love what I do. And, if you've ever met anyone in public relations, you know we see the world much differently than everyone else. 

My job is also important because it is what inspired me to start this blog. I look at social media everyday and I admire the people who can write about their lives so eloquently and effortlessly and I guess I just wanted to be a part of it all. My life may not be the most interesting, but I'm at a confusing point in my life I think a lot of people can relate to. Sometimes I feel like an adult, with bills and responsibilities and clients and emails and deadlines. And other times, I feel like a kid in business clothes. And did I mention I feel both of these things at the same time, every single day? This growing up stuff has been a breeze until now. 

The other important stuff? Well, I went to school in New Orleans, which could be a blog in it's own right but I think that would just make me miss it even more. Yes- I was there during Katrina. Yes- I went back. No- I did not have to canoe to class. Because I went so far away for school my friends are scattered all over the nation and I plan on traveling to visit them all, someday. Until then, I will probably forlornly mention them and my city quite often. 

Like a lot of recent college grads- I moved back in with my parents which is an adventure in itself. I enjoy my family but I miss having my own space. Im planning on moving back out shortly after the new year. I read as often and everything that I can and I will most likely post about interesting things I've read, because I have no one else to talk about them with. I'll try to keep the dork talk to a minimum, but I'm not making any promises. 

This is dangerously close to sounding like some sort of dating add, so I think we'll cut it off here. 

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