Sunday, March 15, 2009


I am moving.

To new York

Probably Brooklyn. Everything is happening sort of fast and I may not be 100% (or well, 50%) ready. But I am doing it. I am quite sick of living my life from the Jersey sidelines and after receiving confirmation from work that they love me as much as I love them, the time feels right. I feel more secure, more mature and more ready to take this next big step in my life.

(Most of you know why it was put on hold, so there’s no need to rehash)

I would be lying if I were to say that I wasn’t scared, because I am. More scared than I thought I would be. Especially because, uhm hi. Living far from home isn’t exactly a new thing. When I moved away the first time, I basically picked a place that couldn’t have been more opposite than the community I called home (and really- pretty much opposite from every other city that everyone else calls home. Suckers). I dived in headfirst to the craziest and most rewarding experience of my life so far- which was living in New Orleans. Everything about it was new and scary and different and I don’t even remember feeling fear. Just excitement.

I have to take a moment here to tell my mom’s favorite story about me. (If she ever finds the link to this blog and reads such story, she will likely pee herself for seeing it in print. I have heard it more times than I care to recall and I am channeling her as I am writing it). I was a fierce independent spirit as a kid, so much so that I robbed my mother of many precious moments and milestones of parenthood. When I say “as a kid”, I am referring to the period of birth until uhhhh now. I went to a big elementary school of about 1,500 kids and I am the oldest child in my family. On the first day of kindergarten, my mother (like all the other mothers) parked the car, walked me into school and waited with me on the little kindergarten line until we went into class. On the second day of kindergarten, I (rather brightly) observed the other parents dropping their older children off in front of the school where they walked in by themselves.

Adorable, curious little me: “Mom, why are you parking your car when the other parents are just driving up to the front of the school?”

Mom, sharing a precious moment with her daughter: “Well. Those are the older kids so they don’t need their mommies to walk them in. One day, when you’re ready, I’ll drop you off there too”

Tenacious, independent, fearless little me: “Oh. I’m ready now. You can just drop me off”

And she did. And I got my 5 year old little butt out of the car and marched my jellies right into the school of 1,500 kids. And I never looked back.

(Side note: I told that story to a former boyfriend and he looked at me, rolled his eyes and said “I’m not surprised. you should tell that to guys as a warning before they start to date you”. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a compliment.)

And now? Maybe its my old age catching up to me. Or maybe it’s the doom and gloom, apocalyptic-type hype around the recession. Maybe because it isn’t happening exactly how I pictured it. Maybe its because I don’t really know as many people as I thought and don’t really understand how to go about meeting people outside of work as an adult. Maybe its because I am actually paying for my own rent (shut up). Whatever my deal is, I am really freaking nervous about making this leap.

But also- EXCITED. I am looking at apartments this weekend and if all goes as according to plan (which, lets be real, when does it ever?) I’ll be official on April 1. A real person. A grown up.

Well….sort of. It’s a step in the right direction at least.

Up next?

Learning how to cook

Making friends (anyone in NYC wanna holler at your girl? I’m really a lot of fun and not NEARLY as crazy as this blog may lead you to believe.)

Learning how to be frugal, possibly by default (when I first wrote that, I wrote “buy” default. This will be SO much harder than I am picturing)


Enjoying summer, spend as much time as possible and wear sunglasses 24.7

So uh, wish me luck? Send me money? Hang out with me? Move here?

Mazel tov?

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