Thursday, February 12, 2009

This is What Feminist Looks Like (Apparently)

Anyone who has been around me and/or talked to me in the past two weeks knows that I have been closely following the story of this wackjob in California who had octuplets recently (in addition to the six children she already had). I sort of had to at first- it directly pertains to one of our clients. But, as the weeks wore on and the client became satisfied, I still can’t tear my eyes away from this story. So many things offend me about this that I don’t know where to start. So, lets make a list:

1.Her publicist is an idiot and if Nadya Suleman paid me whatever she is paying this sketchy LA agency she could walk out of this mess with a somewhat decent reputation.

Exhibit A: Her publicist admitted she was on food stamps the SAME DAY that Nadya did an interview with dateline and said she never accepted any government money. Get your story straight, ladies.

Exhibit B: They both were on camera saying they didn’t expect to make any money off of this (although apparently Nadya was trying to sell her story to Oprah for $2 million, she ended up giving the first interview to Ann Curry at NBC for free) and then yesterday they set up this nightmare: Setting the crimes against human decency thing aside for a moment, from a public relations perspective that was the most idiotic move I could ever imagine making. Wanting people to take you seriously and denying adamantly that you are asking for money and then SETTING UP A PROFESSIONAL WEBSITE (that probably cost a pretty penny) OF WHICH THE EXPLICIST PURPOSE IS TO ASK STRANGERS FOR MONEY.

That’s two lies (of many more to come, I am sure) that not only drag Nadya through the mud, they really give public relations a bad name, since people seem to think we are professional liars when really the whole job is about telling the truth and making sure a company and/or person never gets caught in a lie.

2.She calls herself a feminist and anyone who doesn’t support her choice to bring 14 children into the world without a partner (or job, incidentally) is judging her because of her lifestyle choice to be an independent single mom.

Hang on. I have to take a break because I am SEETHING WITH RAGE.

I am a feminist. I believe in equality of people. I believe that women can do anything a man can do and, conversely, that a woman does not need a man to do anything. Including having children. In fact, I think it is pretty badass when a woman does not let her marital status stop her from having children if that is what she wants.

Nadya Suleman, however, is a loonybird wackjob who only had babies to satisfy her own loneliness(this is not my personal judgement- she readily admitted this to Ann Curry in her dateline interview. Another obvious failure of media training from the crook in LA who is taking her money to ruin her reputation). When she started popping them out, she was uneducated and unemployed (she has a bachelors now, but is still unemployed). She lives in a house her parents own. She collects food stamps and workers compensation from the government. She needed to be a mother and needed someone to love her so bad she had completely reckless disregard for the 14 lives she was about to ruin (15 if you include her own, and 17 if you include her obviously embarrassed and horrified parents).

These are not the choices of an independent feminist. Nadya did not have children because she wanted them and could support them, she had them in a desperate attempt to try and fix herself. She had no identity and decided to create one as a mother and didn’t really give a second thought to how she would actually care for these human beings she was about to bring into the world.

No one is judging her because she is a single mother. We are judging her because she is clearly mentally unbalanced.

3.All of her eight kids have the middle name “angel”

No further explanation necessary.

4.She didn’t even know an eighth baby was in her womb until she had already birthed the other seven in under 5 minutes.

This doesn’t infuriate me as much as it does gross me out. When you have so many people living in you that you cant even count them all- well, it’s a problem.

And, okay I know they took them out via C-section but I cant be the only one who is dealing with some very serious and disturbing “slip n’ slide” imagery. Right?

5.No money for food, but plenty of money for fake nails.

1 comment:

anna said...

i was just watching E News! and was informed that octo-mom used to be a stripper. I thought of you and this blog post.