Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Saturday Night at ~Da Club~

Well, readers. Its 5:30 on a Saturday and I am sitting at home, alone, in the dark (when did it start getting so dark SO EARLY?). "What? This cannot be! You are so cool and popular!" you must be saying to yourself. And, while you are right, its turned out to be quite a lackluster weekend. My family left a lot earlier than anticipated (and without seeing my new couch, how rude!) and all my friends are actually spending time with their families instead of entertaining me. The jerks.

So, i did what any other person does on a Saturday with nothing to do. I put on approximately 987987 layers of clothing (because it was 44 degrees here today and I am a baby), went to Trader Joes, got groceries and $3 bottles of wine. Read until it got dark, watched T.V. until the clock hit 5:01 and then opened a bottle of said wine and drank half of it in a few sips. Adulthood -- its awesome.

And really, I hate to disappoint all my club rat readers, but I actually like being alone in my apartment. Entertaining myself is surprisingly easy. And I manage to very easily fill an entire day with: reading, eating, googling things I've been meaning to google all week, drinking alone and watching t.v. In fact, when I dont get an alone day at least once a week, I get really cranky and agitated and it throws me off. Its one of the many things I inherited from my dad: we are both loners and both curmudgeons when that loner-ness is compromised for long stretches of time.

And, generally speaking, staying in my apartment is usually cheaper than going out with friends or even by myself (as I have been known to do). Now might be a good time , however, to mention that I am in this man vs. nature vs. modern technology battle with my heat. Meaning, I am determined to go as long as I can without turning on the heat in my apartment. Last month, my electricity bill was $13.80 and I have literally told everyone I ever met that number, including my door man who said "damn, baby. good job!". Thank you, sir. Thank you.

Of course, as proud of myself as I am, it has to be said that it really hasnt been that cold since I started this battle (~50 degrees on average). And, while i am winning the ultimate battle so far, its only going to get worse from here. And, I don't know if its the cement walls or what, but my apartment has no natural heating going on whatsoever. In fact, I feel it might be a little colder in here than it is outside.

BUT, being a creature of fierce determination with a lot of clothes, I am a fan of layering. So today, while I was reading, I just kept putting more and more clothes on until I felt warm. I live alone, who cares what I look like?

So, today, I am reading in bed and after a while it gets dark and instead of putting on a light like a normal person, I decide to just move over to the T.V. and call it a night. I am warm and cozy, wrapped up in a Loyola blanket and drinking some wine, and talking to the T.V. (a new habit I've developed since living alone. Also, I hum and dance to theme songs and repeat phrases that I find particularly hilarious. This doesnt stop when other people are in the room, just ask Tia).

After a while, I decide I need some wings (for obvious reasons). I conveniently place my order on (when this blog blows up, people will have to pay for those mentions). A mere 20 minutes later (seriously, I will take coupons if CampusFood's PR person is reading this), there is a knock on my door. I get up to answer it, open the door and am immediately greeted with this face:

Confused and a litle offended, I take my food and close the door.

"What a JERK!!! Can't a girl stay home on a Saturday night and order food for herself without getting the ultimate face of judgement?!?!?! WTF?"

And, just as I am getting really heated, I catch a glimpse of myself in the full length mirror and realize why I had been judged so hard:

Complete with the bottle of wine and blanket draped over my shoulder.

Touche, delivery man, touche.

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