Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Years

2009: The year of the great recession, the year of white collar layoffs and job insecurities and struggling is over (at least on the calendar) and I, like many others was happy to see it go. I'm ready for a new day, a new year, a new decade.

I would be remiss if I were to go without mentioning what a fantastic, exciting and thrilling year 2009 was for me in so many ways. In 2009 I lived in three different states, made two apartments into homes on my own, moved into my dream city and then promptly moved out of it, relocated 250 miles in under two weeks, started working at a job that I love instead of a job that was just alright, dated, dumped and was dumped by more than a few guys, made new friends, reconnected relationships with old friends and let others go who maybe were never really friends in the first place.

While I am typically not one for nostalgia, I can't help but look back on 2009 with a certain fondness. The feeling I have on this January 1, 2010 seems years and years away from January 1, 2009. I feel safe, secure, and ready to take on the new year the only way that makes sense: one day at a time.

And sure, I might sleep until 1 p.m. and lay around in a snuggie watching cartoons all day. And I might only go grocery shopping once a month. And maybe sometimes I even worry about how the hell I am going to pay my electric bill. But all told, I still feel like an adult finally. A real, living breathing autonomous adult. And its freeing.

So here's a toast to 2010 and to new adventures in a new decade.