Monday, May 18, 2009

Prune Juice

I’ve been trying to think of a really quality blog post and thought I would have TONS of inspirational material, seeing as my life as of late has been absolutely INSANE. But, as it turns out, its been so insane that its hard to pick just one stupid little miniscule thing to blog about (aka- EmergenC) and instead all of the thoughts in my brain are trying to rush out at once and I am mentally constipated.

How’s that for an image to get you through the night?

So- friends, readers, lovers- this will not be my best blog post. I apologize. If you want to turn on “The Office” instead I’ll understand. We won’t be friends anymore (maybe still lovers) but I’ll understand nonetheless.

BUT- there is a cliffhanger at the end of the post!!! If that keeps you going!! Except its not a fun “whats going to happen on Grey’s Anatomy?” cliffhanger. It’s a “WTF IS GOING TO HAPPEN FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!?!?!?!” cliffhanger. If my life were a TV show- it would be awesome. This would be the series finale. I would be driving in a car, soulful music would be playing, I would be staring at the road straight ahead- contemplative, beautiful, majestic.***

But first- some cutaways and plot lines that no one but me cares about.

I went to D.C. (uhhh…six weeks ago…). Stayed with Tia in her lovely apartment, got to see PIPPI (my ultimate lover), went out in Old Towne and met two interesting guys and had a marvelous time. The next night I went on a girls night out with my mom and aunt, which was so fun and made me feel weird and grown up- but in a good way. The next night was my grandparents 80th birthday celebration, which was quiet and small and fun. We ate reallllly good French food and had three desserts. My grandma bought me a casserole dish for my new place. It was the perfect DC/Maryland weekend.

The next weekend (five weeks ago- whoo! I am a bad blogger) I went to New Orleans. Which was also tons of fun. It was amazing to see everyone again and see the campus and the city. I still loved it and I still miss it every single day. Good trip- French Quarter fest, social and sunburns at the fly. Everything I wanted it to be.

Girls weekend last weekend for Melissas birthday, so Aimee, Mel and Shayna all stayed at my apt. We went to a male “dance show”. I got so drunk I somehow stumbled home by myself and the night between 9 pm- and 3:45 am pizza party remains a mystery. A good one though. I hope?

I have been loving my apartment and roommate. As for my roommate- shes awesome. We did brunch and baked cookies yesterday. For a small apartment, we still manage to give each other our space. The apartment is still great- no major problems, still in the best location in the city. On Saturday there was a random parade down A for no apparent reason. Its awesome.

Work has been busy. Really busy. I stay late probably one night a week, but I don’t mind as I have been given bigger and more interesting projects as of late.

Oh- did I mention I might be moving to D.C.? Like, soon?

I don’t really want to get into the messy details, but I was sort of offered a promotion within my company. But the job? Would be in our D.C. office. So if I take it, I would move there. Soon. Real soon.

This is the part where the constipation kicks in. Because I have so much to say about it. And so little comes out (haha ew). And well- I am going down there to meet with them on Wednesday. So- stay tuned?

***Look- I know its not AS exciting as Grey’s, but I hope as my friend you are happy that I don’t have brain cancer or didn’t get hit by a bus or pregnant or married.